
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Taxpayers & Free-Riders

This is a popular topic to rage about. No taxpayer wants the money that they are required to pay the government to be wasted. We hear stories of how someone took advantage of the system and wasted their 'government assistance' on a new television or spent $300 dollars of food stamps on candy bars at the Plaid Pantry down the road. The assistance given by the government is NOT free money.
 I don't like it. I don't completely understand it, however I don't think all citizens receiving government assistance are like this.
These government programs HELP people.

>Some of these people are disabled and can't work.
>Some can't get a job because of the economy.
>Some can't get jobs because they have no skills needed in the workforce.
>Some can't get jobs because they were never taught how to be someone a business would want to hire.
>Some don't know how to find a job or even know where to find out how to get one.
>Some citizens can work and have jobs but still can't cover their costs.
>Maybe they are a single parent.
>Maybe they are a student.

There are also citizens who can work and don't. They could get a job but don't. Their families and society did not instill proper values of hard work, responsibility and servitude. These people ride on the backs of taxpayers.

We are a culture of individuals. We like it that way. We like to see the fruits of our individual labor. We value the ability to not concern ourselves with the unsuccessful. We can choose to support or ignore anything or anyone we please.

We have made these people.
I have made these people.
Should we support them?

Every system has flaws because every system is made up of human beings and we are not perfect. These "moochers" are just the flaw in the system. I don't believe we should generalize this flaw to citizens who actually need assistance. There are millions of people in this country who need assistance and there are still more who genuinely need it but can't get it. We need to work to weed out assistance to those who don't need it and redirect it to those who still need it but can not get it.

If supporting citizens who need support means supporting some who don't, should we cease support?
This is America.
We are individualists who believe in helping the those who need.
Our assistance to any greater good has a cost.
Are free-riders just an operating cost?